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Closer to Home

The Outside TrackThis week, I am announcing my decision to leave The Outside Track to focus on my solo career and musical endeavors closer to home. Over the past seven years of amazing music with the award-winning multi-national band, I released three fantastic albums to critical acclaim, toured extensively throughout Europe, the UK and North America and shared many wild and wondrous touring experiences with Ailie, Fiona, Cillian and Mairi! I enjoyed my time as lead singer, flute player and co-manager with the OT immensely. It is with renewed musical inspiration that I look forward to experiencing this new chapter of life unfold as I raise my beautiful little son.

I wish to thank all of The Outside Track’s fans for their continued support. Some of you have been with us since our humble beginnings travelling through teeny folk clubs and hauling giant sound systems to random venues around Ireland! Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin, for coming out to shows and spreading the word about the band to your own circle of music-loving friends.

With that announcement, I have become a die-hard fan, like many of you. Together, we can look forward to hearing The Outside Track’s new music with the new line-up! Don’t worry, I will be continuing to perform and make music – keep an eye on my website or facebook page to find out when my next album will be released!